At the Multisport Centre of Reggio Emilia, precisely at the tennis court n° 4, we have replaced the "traditional" lighting with our LED
ZHT4. Previously, the power consumption was higher than 5.000 Wh and the average illumination was not satisfactory. The old HID lamps
were close to end of life cycle and seldom exceeded 200 Lux on the ground.
By adopting the latest Carecaled technology, tennis court n° 4 is now using less than 2.500 Wh with over 350 Lux average lighting and
remarkable uniformity
Other advantages are represented as follows: no need for maintenance for several years, the employment of green materials, total
absence of hazardous substances such as mercury, lead, cadmium, UVA and UVB emissions.
The system’s efficiency is thoroughly ensured by the optical, strongly asymmetric, which light only the segment of the field which they have
been "assigned" to, hence dramatically reducing the dazzling effect during the most important actions like volèe or smash.
Another remarkable perk of Carecaled technology is the immediate light up, while traditional technologies take a long time to start up,
shut down and restart times are usually very long (15 min).